Monday, 22 August 2011

Another popular noodle - Dry rice noodle!!!

Beside the original dry noodle, we also need to consider about another famous dry noodle which is dry rice noodle. Many people may not like to eat dry noodle, so there is another choice for them, the dry rice noodle with beef as picture above.

Different to the dry noodle, dry rice noodle use the rice noodle which has different taste with the orginal noodle like mi-goreng. Dry rice noodle is harder to cook so there is no good instant product of it. The rice noodle is well known in many different food, the most popular is Pho of Vietnamese. So do you wonder how it will taste when it is cooked like the dry noodle?The answer is so obvious, like the rice noodle with soup, the dry rice noodle can become the favorite food for many people who love to eat noodle.

For being the first time your children try their first noodle, dry rice noodle can be a better choice than dry noodle since the rice noodle is sweeter and easier to eat than the noolde. So the food can be the best choice for many children. just becareful that once your children try the food, they may want to eat it every day.

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